Cystinosis Clinic
In order to do justice to all aspects of this multi-organ disease, an interdisciplinary cystinosis clinic for all ages was established in October 2012 in cooperation with the patient support group (Cystinose-Selbsthilfe e.V. www.leben-eben.de). Children as well as adults are seen in this care concept. The patients are seen by up to 14 clinical specialties in one day in the sense of a one-stop clinic. The Cystinosis Clinic takes place in Rosenheim, Germany from June 2019.
The therapists who previously supervised the consultation in Traunstein or Munich will continue to accompany the consultation in Rosenheim.
The consultation hours:
Appointments by heike.holla@Cystinose-Stiftung.de or by phone: +49 171 3209639
Stay in touch with us!
We would like to provide you with a data-secure procedure in the future. How to communicate with us: MediOne. Perhaps even more of your doctors will use this App designed specifically for doctor-patient communication. For you as a patient, the use is free of charge.